Radio Maps

Figure 1: Example of radio map constructed with measurements collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). See this paper for details.

What are Radio Maps?

They are maps that characterize a radio communication channel across a geographic area. For example, a radio map may indicate the signal strength of a wireless network across a city or a building.

Why are they useful?

Radio maps allow us for example to know whether the signal strength is sufficient to support a certain service at a certain location without having to physically go there. For example, if you are considering switching to another cellular operator, you may want to know if the new operator provides 5G coverage in your summer house.

Who can benefit from a radio map?

Radio maps are useful for:

What kinds of radio maps exist?

There are two main classes of radio maps:

How are radio maps created?

There are two main ways to create radio maps:

Where can I find more information?

An accessible tutorial on radio maps and RME can be found in the following paper:

D. Romero and S.-J. Kim, "Radio map estimation: a data-driven approach to spectrum cartography," Vol. 39, 2022, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.